Saturday, July 25, 2009

Viva Pinata: Interesting (Part 1)

Viva Pinata is very.... interesting. It's a gardening game, and, can help you learn to garden a little better. There are differences between real life and pinata island though. The main difference is you don't get upgrades for anything in real life and there's no pinatas or chocolate coins for money. The other differences don't really matter, do they?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I need some new armor in Halo 3 right now because my old armor just isn't fun anymore. So if I don't want to be bored out of my mind, I would love it if someone would help me!!! I also figured out a dance in the game!!! It looks insane but it's funny!!!! ^ Look at the Chart of Armor Sets I found. Bye.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Check Out This T-Shirt!!!

I now have an awesome Halo Wars T-Shirt (I don't have the game, but, who cares)! I think it's the most awesome T-Shirt, and, it's my favorite shirt (It's really black). Oh, and, speaking of Halo, check out my File Share!!!! Bye!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV: (Part 1)

I decided to stop playing Halo 3 for a while and have started my new game in Oblivion. I am level two and my character is a mage and is in the mages guild. I also am in bleak flats cave trying to find Erthor. Being level 2 and fighting deranged zombies is hard! I'll talk to you next time I level up. Bye!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Halo 3: WOOHOO!!!

I am so happy! I have finally beaten Halo 3! Thank the Heavens!!! YYYAAAYYY!!! Oh, and, I just wanted to say something about the Fourth of July. First, Happy Fourth! Second, Have fun and watch the Fireworks!! Lastly, say WOOHOO!!!!!!