Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gears of War 2: (Part 1) I Sorta Like...

This game is a little hard to me but I have almost beaten the campaign! Anyone who would like to help me send me a invite when I'm online. I'll get back on here with progress later. For now I can only say this: "I'm pretty good with a sniper!". Bye!

Assassins Creed: (Part 2) How Far I Am

In Assassins Creed I'm pretty sure I have almost beaten the game. I have to assassinate 3 more people then do something else. A few days ago I was bored, so I assassinated a guard every time another came to investigate I would assassinate them, too. It was fun! After a while they caught me killing and chased me down. I found some vigilantes and let them hold them while I killed them. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! See ya!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Call of Duty 3: Latest Game I Bought (Part 1)

Call of Duty 3 is the latest game I bought. If you have it please invite me to play with you over Xbox Live. Anyway, the game is about World War Two as you all know, Allies versus Axis, over Xbox Live. I'll play with anyone as long as you don't always go for me. After all, I'm only a rookie at most shooter games, right? Bye!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Marble Blast Ultra: (Part 3) Easter Eggs

Most of you have probably noticed I haven't posted or played in a while. That was because I've been hooked on my DS playing Animal Crossing: Wild World. Anyway, I'm going to start getting back on and playing Marble Blast Ultra to look for the Easter eggs. Oh, and if you have Animal
Crossing: Wild World leave me your friend code town and character name in a comment. Thanks! Bye.