Monday, June 29, 2009

Assassins Creed: (Part 1) My Gamerscore Has Gone Up!

YAY!!!! My Gamerscore has been raised!!! I've just started to play Assassins Creed and I've already gotten 60-80 achievement points!! Anyway, if you want to get some easy achievement points, this is the game you want!! Please enjoy the game!!! (If you play the game.) Later!!

Halo 3: WHAT THE HECK? I found a Movie!!

Okay, well this knocked me off course. On youtube their are lots of Halo 3 videos. One day while I was searching I found a video called Halo 3 Tricks:*The Trick Of Legend*. If you want to find it type the name exactly how I did. The video is 30 minutes but it's funny. Please watch it!!! It's hilarious!! Good-bye!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Halo 3: (Part 2) Online Play

Okay, well, I think playing online is insanely hard. Mainly because, I'm an easy target, and everybody aims for me. Soooo, when I get online, I get very aggravated. Anyway, there are lots of modes for playing online. My favorite one is Forge. Forge is the one where you can turn into the little robot and pick things up. When you put things the way you want them, you can save the map to where next time you use it, that's how it looks!!! That's the only part of online play I seriously LIKE. Oh, and, my second favorite is Social Slayer. Later!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Halo 3: (Part 1) What I've Done so Far

In Halo 3 I am currently playing under difficulty Easy, and, of course, I'm stuck on the mission Cortana. Where? I have NO clue!!! Anyway, I've only gotten three Achievements, and to me, that was insanely hard. I think two of them were online, and the other one was offline. Anyway post comments to help me!!! LATER!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!! What I Did

For Father's Day I played castle crashers with my dad. We had lots of fun and leveled-up like, 20 times!!! I played the Bear and he played the Alien. When we leveled-up He raised his Magic and I raised my defense. Anyway, He had lots of fun, and that's what counts!!! =)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tony Hawk's Project 8 (Part 2) How I'm Doing

In Tony Hawk's Project 8 I'm doing much better! I got a 50 point Achievement recently and it was for beating a developer or someone who already has! I was soooo excited when I got it. I don't know if it was a developer or somebody who already beat one, but, it was AWESOME anyway!!! I absolutely love this game. I hope you enjoy it (if you try it).

Castle Crashers: (Part 3) Online Play

Playing Castle Crashers Online is really fun. There are three different ways to play: Arena, All You Can Quaff, and Castle Crashers (Story Mode, but with your online friends). Anyway, Arena has 4 modes inside itself. I forgot them but I'll give you them later. All You Can Quaff is extremely hard offline to me, and I've tried to find a game online anyway, but nobody plays on that setting. Anyway, you know what the other mode is so, I'll tell you how I'm doing in the game. In the game I'm still doing GREAT!! I'm not the best but, I'm better than nothing!! See ya later!

Achievement Points of the Games I Have Played (Half Two)

Luxor 2: 45
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08: 50
Dash of Destruction: 200
Bomberman Act Zero: 00
The Force Unleashed:
Sneak King: 15
Perfect Dark Zero: 00
Mega Man 9: 00
Shadowrun: 20
Eternal Sonata: 00
Overlord: 30
1942: Joint Strike: 00
Dead Rising: 60
Ratatouille: 420
Hexic HD: 40
Mass Effect: 40
NFS: Most Wanted: 00
Lost Odyssey: 80
Aegis Wing: 00
Viva Piniata: 180
The Simpsons Game: 385
PGR4: 5
GRID: 10
Gears of Wars: 00

Achievement Points of the Games I Have Played (Half One)

Marble Blast Ultra: 125
Tony Hawk's Project 8: 250
Gears of War 2: 120
Geometry Wars Evolved 2: 55
Castle Crashers: 170
BF: Bad Company: 415
SEGA Superstars Tennis: 100
Halo 3: 15
UNO: 135
Boom Boom Rocket:10
Geometry Wars:
Fable 2: 265
Burnout Paradise: 300
Gauntlet: 30
Alien Hominid HD: 15
Full Auto: 5
Oblivion: 350
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X: 00
Two Worlds:55
Feeding Frenzy: 90
Kameo: 320
Golf: Tee it Up!: 110
Pac-Man C.E: 5

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tony Hawk's Project 8: (Part 1) What it's About

Tony Hawk's Project 8 is about when Tony Hawk comes to town because he heard there's a lot of undiscovered skate talent. He says he's starting a program called Project 8 and that the top skaters can only get in. You get a few easy Achievements as you go,but they're mostly mediam to hard. You learn tricks as you go and you earn more areas. Good luck!! (If you try the game!!)

Castle Crashers: (Part 2) About the game

Castle Crashers is a cartoon-looking game with a bit of gore mixed in. I figured out you can turn the gore on/off. Go to help & options and select settings and there it is! Anyway, Castle Crashers is really fun! You can also play online. It also has pretty great graphics. Doesn't this game sound just AWESOME?!? Tell me what you think by commenting!

Monday, June 15, 2009

My New iPhone!!

Look at my new iPhone!!!!! Isn't it awesome???

Castle Crashers: (Part 1) AWESOME!!!

Seriously, I am in love with this game. If you ask my opinion I give this game 5 stars!!! I think you should TOTALLY try this game! Okay, well, anyway, my highest character is level 79, I have 10 of the 12 Achievements, and I play online a LOT. Look me up on XBOX LIVE!! Later.

Marble Blast Ultra: (Part 2) Online Play

Okay, when I play online it's extremely hard. I still love it though! Anyway, There are two online modes: Player and Ranked. I usually play on Player. Mainly because Ranked counts against you when you leave the game during the game. Player does not. Also, in Player There's usually more games going on. In Ranked there's maybe two games going on. Oh, and, I'll post the Achievements next.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Game Review: Marble Blast Ultra(Part 1)

Okay, Marble Blast Ultra is a game of speed, balance, and concentration all mixed in one setting. There are three difficulty selections/levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Beginner levels are obviously the simplest, while Advanced the hardest. The difficulty selections/levels each have exactly 20 areas to beat. Currently, I have all the achievements except three. I also completed all the Beginner and Intermediate levels under par time. In the Advanced levels I have completed 13 areas, and unfortunately, not all of them under par time.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

About this blog

Hello, Thanks for visiting my site! I'm Meghan. In this blog you will see game reviews, acheivements, tips, tricks, and more. If you have a XBOX 360 console and you play the games I play, send me a friend request! My Gamertag is GumShoe39. Later!!