Thursday, June 18, 2009

Achievement Points of the Games I Have Played (Half Two)

Luxor 2: 45
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08: 50
Dash of Destruction: 200
Bomberman Act Zero: 00
The Force Unleashed:
Sneak King: 15
Perfect Dark Zero: 00
Mega Man 9: 00
Shadowrun: 20
Eternal Sonata: 00
Overlord: 30
1942: Joint Strike: 00
Dead Rising: 60
Ratatouille: 420
Hexic HD: 40
Mass Effect: 40
NFS: Most Wanted: 00
Lost Odyssey: 80
Aegis Wing: 00
Viva Piniata: 180
The Simpsons Game: 385
PGR4: 5
GRID: 10
Gears of Wars: 00

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